Wow. Only six days until Double Dog Dare's release. My editor is giving me all sorts of warm fuzzies about what a great story it is-love to hear that! I am blessed to be associated with three publishers.
My first was The Wild Rose Press. They gave me my first break by publishing my first two romances. Last week their web site crashed, and so they had a lot of frantic headaches getting it back up and running. Have you read my two books from The Wild Rose Press? They are still available. Click HERE to go to my author page there.

My next Publisher was Resplendence and this book called Holding Out for a Hero. It's a little darker, a little spicier than any of my others. Still. I love this story. I enjoyed the challenge of writing in first person and the twists that the story took. As of now, it is still only available digitally which means you can read it on your computer as a PDF download or if you have a Kindle or Nook you can go through those websites to buy it. Here's the LINK to Holding Out's page at Resplendence.

Presently I'm with Turquoise Morning Press. Turquoise Morning has allowed me to try my hand at short stories as part of the publisher's anthology line. I really love my two stories I've written. One story is part of the Halloween anthology; the other is in the Valentine Anthology.
And, of course Rescue Me is my full length contemporary romance from Turquoise Morning.
So, this is what the author Jennifer Johnson has written and published. If you haven't read any of these books yet, well, now you have something to do before Double Dog Dare comes out in six days.
Have I mentioned Double Dog Dare is going to be released in SIX DAYS!!