Here are a list of people who probably hate me:
1. The guy at the bank who couldn't find the bag full of money I was picking up for work.
2. The insurance woman after I found out how much they won't pay for my stress test back in February.
3. The tech guy at Windstream who answered the phone after Windstream updated their email site so that I had to look at stupid adverstisements flashing at me and who couldn't send me a modem without getting a verbal agreement from me for a year contract.
4. The customer service guy at Windstream (see 3 above).
Pictured above is what I feel like after spending time on the phone with Windstream, my internet provider. I try to be a nice person, but-honestly-when it comes to money, I very quickly turn ugly. I don't like to spend it. I don't like to think big money grabbing companies are taking advantage of me. I didn't ask to have my phone, TV, and internet "bundled." That was their idea. It'd save me a lot of money. And I was only two link clicks away from a higher speed connection. Well, there was a whole lot more complaining and ranting and raving when things didn't go like they were supposed to. Suffice to say, there's my picture up there. It looks like I went to work the meat counter in some interesting place to burn off some of my frustration and bad mood. There's a special on eyeballs today. Three for a dollar. You interested? HEY! I SAID, "YOU INTERESTED?" AAARRRRAAAAWWWWRRRRR!!!!! (This is the sound of me ripping of the head of the customer with my very ample teeth and chewing hardily).
I think it might be time to schedule a hot rock massage at the local spa.
UGH! And it's only Wednesday??!!