Stop and Smell the Roses Bouquet!

Welcome! Today I'm one rose in a whole garden of Wild Rose Press authors. I think laughter is good for you. As the Biblical Proverb says, "A merry heart is good medicine." I have a lot of fun here on my blog, and I also write comedic romance.

My book, The Jinx, is available now, and I have another book, The Clergy Affair coming out July 31 (less than a month from now-yeah!). Both are contemporary stories set in the southern United States. These are feel good kind of books that will put a smile on your face-probably more than one. But, of course, I am biased.

Today is prize day not only for this blog, but for the other Wild Rose Author blogs listed below. If you leave a comment today telling me your favorite joke (keep it clean, Leona), I'll put your name in the proverbial hat (along with the names of others leaving comments) and draw out a winner for a copy of The Jinx. Consider that I can't always get in touch with you through Blogger if you win, so check back on June 30th (after 4 p.m. EST) to see if you're a winner!

I'm counting down to the release of The Clergy Affair, and I wanted to give you a taste of a funny scene in the book, but it's difficult because most humor is contextual.

Still. I'll give it a shot. But first, let me set it up. Reverend Deborah Reynolds is at the hospital visiting one of her church members, Lon, who is about to have heart surgery. Lon's wife, Carol, is also in the room.

Ready? Here we go:

“Ain’t ya’ leaving with him?” Lon asked in a gravelly voice after Sam closed the door behind him.
“No,” Deborah smiled at Lon, waiting for the next witty remark about Sam being her boyfriend.
“I like him.” Lon looked at her seriously. “You could do worse, you know.”
Deborah glanced back at Carol who looked at her thoughtfully, speculatively.
Deborah turned back to Lon and said calmly, “Lon, I barely know the man. I met him last night at the wedding rehearsal.”
“So what? I saw Carol the first time and knew in thirty seconds I was going to marry her.”
“Can we concentrate on you and getting you through this surgery?”
“All right, Preach. I hear ya. 'Butt out' is what you’re saying. But all I’m saying is it wouldn’t kill you to take off your clerical collar and put on some damn lipstick every once in a while. You ain’t a priest. You’re allowed to have a boyfriend.”
“Lon!” Carol gasped.
Deborah wondered if Carol’s reaction was because Lon had damned lipstick or because he had suggested Deborah have a boyfriend. “I wear lipstick, Lon.”
Lon snorted. “You call that lipstick? What color is it? Pale to nothing pink? Fire engine red–now that’s a lipstick color.”
Deborah’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Was this Lon Carter giving her make-up tips? Was this burley stubborn old coot rambling off colors of lipstick to her, his pastor? The theme music from “The Twilight Zone” began playing in Deborah’s head.

So, there it is. I hope it makes you want to write the release date on your calendar. July 31, 2009.

To set the tone for your comments, I'll start off with the best joke ever.
A guy hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it. When he opens the door, he looks around and sees no one. He's about to go back in the house, when he sees a snail on the front porch. Picking it up, he flings it across the yard. Three weeks later, there is another knock on his door. He goes to the door and opens it and sees the snail. The snail says, "What did you do that for?"

You see? Isn't that a great joke?

All rightie. Below are links to other Wild Rose author blogs who are part of the "Stop and Smell the Roses Bouquet". Each one is giving away a prize, so if you've got time to visit and leave some comments today, you might just get lucky!