Of course, I had to take the quiz to find out!
Some of those movies (16 Candles, Karate Kid, Footloose, Back to the Future) I had seen so often that I could quote entire scenes. I also owned many of the sound tracks ON ALBUMS.
So, I took the quiz. The only question which seem directly tied to the movie was the first one which asked about certain songs (Let's Hear it For the Boy or Don't You Forget About Me or In your Eyes). Other questions asked if I had ever smoked pot, the last time I had been in a fight, if I were a compulsive liar, if I prefered ninjas to pirates. So what 80s movie am I?

I couldn't be happier! I LOVE THE PRINCESS BRIDE!!! I even had the movie poster on my dorm wall in graduate school. What do I love about this movie? Well, everything, but here are some pictorial happies thanks to Photobucket.

This next one was a favorite saying of my college girlfriends any time one of us left the group for some trip or journey. The picture is pretty small, but basically it goes like this:
"Have fun storming the castle!"
"Think they'll make it?"
"It'll take a miracle."

Now, when I was a very young woman, the romance of this movie appealed to me greatly. Now that I'm older and a mom, I'm drawn to the story outside of the story: a grandpa who affectionately spends the day with a sick and reluctant boy by reading him a book. So patient is Peter Falk, so loving as he says at the close of the movie (and I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it "As you wish"). The boy reminds me a lot of my own son who will watch the goriest scene Cartoon Disney will display, but will hide his eyes if anybody kisses anybody else on a TV show.

As I searched through Photobucket, I laughed out loud at this next picture and wished I had the computer savvy to know how to do it for myself. Because I WANT TO BE THE PRINCESS BRIDE! ME! ME! ME!